When you combine Tonda and Gentili hazelnuts with confectionery tradition. Classic cakes made to perfection according to tradition. One example is the Langarola, the most fragrant hazelnut cake in the world.
Breakfast is saved:
Milk biscuits: Milk shortbread
Novara: without milk and butter
Anicini: without milk and butter
Savoiardi: Soft, without milk or butter
Lagacci: Rusks
A soft dough, expertly leavened to maintain its lightness, turned upside down to maintain its classic shape. Decorated only with sprinkles, it becomes the SUGAR BREAD for lovers of essential flavours, filled with chocolate nuggets it becomes the GIANDUJA BREAD or the ROSETTA with its typical floral shape, decorated with soft chestnut icing it becomes the BROWN BREAD. The perfect cake for the festive season, but you can find it in bakeries all year round.